Sunday, April 12, 2009

Springburn is the new Hardrock!

Friday had a date with the treadmill. Like most, I generally find treadmill work boring and use it mainly to stay out of the cold. Not so on Friday. I grabbed some 5 pound dumbbells, set the incline on 15%, and let 'er rip. The first hour was hard enough, but the word "boring" never crept into my head. The second hour I started to get the "goose bumps" I always get when my electrolytes are gone...who brings food to a treadmill workout? Though the weather was pleasant enough outside, I wanted to focus on the constant incline work to make sure I am prepared for California in June (although the section I will be running on is not that bad terrain-wise, I don't want to be an anchor if Willie wants to start knocking out 8 minute miles. Pam Reed writes in her book, The Extra Mile, that energy is contagious, and while a happy, fresh pacer can really help to melt the miles a tired, overworked pacer becomes either dead weight for the runner or an excuse to drop.)
All the way through the third and final hour, those dumbbells made it seem like I was carrying my runner. I must have looked the part. A fellow was standing next to me saying something. I removed my headphones and grunted. He repeated his question "Are you training for something?"
I am gasping in reply. Yes. Springburn. 5K.
Dead serious, I put my headphones back in and finished the hour. Ya'll would have loved the look on that dudes face.


Willie Lambert said...

The only 8 minute miles I'll be running are the ones away from the Cougar.

Anonymous said...

3 hours on an incline treadmill with weights? Lee, are you okay? Is Willie paying you enough for this torture? :-)


Cynical Dirt Doll said...

Holy Crap Lee!! You are totally insane! How did you not die of boredom? Did you hold the weights or stick 'em in a backpack? I've been doing alot of treadmill incline work for Leadville, but an hour is the most I've been able to do without going nuts... and that was sans weights!

Rick M said...

Make sure you are in front when pacing Willie at WS. Cougars are ambush predators and usually attack the second runner. Make sure you have a camera to document Willie wrastlin that kitty to submission. Sick workout, I'm waiting until May before I get into the abusive hill training. Talk at you soon.